Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Summary of Recount Text


Ø Meaning  : Recount Text is one of a kind English text which retells the events or experiences in the past

Ø Sosial Function :
·        to retell the events that we experience or story that happened in the past, event or activity with the purpose of preaching or entertaining without any conflicts in the story. In contrast to the narrative text that contains the conflict in it, provides information about what happened, when it happened, where it happened and who was involved.
·        The purpose of a recount is to list and describe past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened (chronological order). Recounts are written to retell events with the purpose of either informing or entertaining their audience (or both).

Ø Generic structure :
·         Orientation provides information about the topic of recount text like, who, where, and when the events or activities that occurred in the past.
·         Events tells what happened in chronological order, such as "In the first day, I .... And in the next day .... And In the last day ...". In the Events section is also usually contained personal comments about the event recounted.
·         Reorientation there is a  repetition in the Orientation,repetition which summarizes the series of events, event or activity is reported and consists of optional-closure of events/ending and tell the impression, the opinion or the feeling of the writer toward the experience

Ø Types of recount:
·        Personal recount
These usually retell an event that the writer was personally involved in.
·        Factual recount
Recording an incident, eg. a science experiment, police report.
·        Imaginary recount
Writing an imaginary role and giving details of events, eg. A day in the life of a pirate; How I invented...
·        History Recount
The retelling of factual event that have happened in the past.
·        Biography Recout
to inform by retelling past events and achievements in a person’s life.

Ø Recounts are found in the following texts:
·        Conversations when a speaker recounts a sequence of events and shares personal feelings about the events.
·        Biographies and autobiographies, which recount the significant events in a person's life.
·        News stories in the segments which tell in chronological sequence what happened.
·        Personal letters and postcards which recount what happened.
·        Poems and stories which recount a sequence of events in order to entertain.
·        newspapers or the television news
·        textbooks

Ø Characteristics of the language used in Recount Text
• Using the Past Tense, and past tense that we used in recount text is:
Ø Simple Past Tense; To declare an event or events in the past.Simple past tense always use verbs2. With formula :
S + TO BE (WAS,WERE) + Object/compliment
Ex:     (+): We were Busy Yesterday
          (-) : We were not busy yesterday
          (?) : Were we busy yesterday?
S + VERB 2 + Object/compliment
Ex:     (+): He brought my dictionary last night
          (-) : He did not bring my dictionary last night
          (?) : Did he bring my dictionary last night?
Ø Past Continuous Tense; used to express something that is happening or being done in the past in conjunction with the occurrence of something else. With formula:
S + TO BE (WAS,WERE) + VERB1 + ing + O/C
Ex:     (+): You were sleeping all night yesterday
          (-) : You were not sleeping all night yesterday
          (?) : Were you sleeping all night yesterday?
Ex      (+): She was cooking when we came
          (-) : She was not cooking when we came
          (?) : Was she cooking when we came?
Ø Past Perfect Tense; used to express something that was already done in the past before or at the time of events or other events that occurred in the past. With formula:
S + HAD + BEEN + Object/Compliment
Ex:     (+): I had been here when you came
          (-) : I had not been here when you came
          (?) : Had I been here when you came?
S + HAD + VERB III + Object/Compliment
Ex:     (+): She had gone to Bali when we met
          (-) : She had not gone to Bali when we met
          (?) : Had she gone to Bali when we met?
• Using Conjunction and Time connectives to sequence events or an event. Suppose and, but, the, lists are that, etc.
• Using Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase to express the place, time and manner. Suppose yesterday, at my house, slowly, etc.
• Using Action Verbs. Suppose went, slept, run, brought, etc.

Contoh Recount Text

Our trip to the Blue Mountain
On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court.
(Pada hari jumat kami pergi ke Blue Mountains. Kami menginap di rumah David dan Della. Rumah tersebut mempunyai sebuah taman yang besar dengan banyak bunga warna warni dan sebuah lapangan tenis.)

On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mummy and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having a shower.
(Pada hari sabtu kami melihat Three Sister dan pergi ke pemandangan jalan kereta api yang indah. Sangat menakutkan. Kemudian ibu dan saya pergi berbelanja dengan Della. Kita pergi ke toko-toko antik dan mencoba mendapatkan beberapa topi tua. Pada hari minggu kami pergi ke pemandangan Skyway dan berbatu. Kami melihat burung kakatua sedang mandi.)

In the afternoon we went home. That was very pleasent moment with my family that I ever got.
(Di sore hari kami pulang ke rumah. Itu merupakan momen paling menyenangkan bersama keluarga yang saya pernah dapatkan. )

The Different With Narrative Text:

Narrative Text
Recount Text
Having three linguistic structure consisting of Orientiation, Complication and Resolution.
• Orientation is a character recognition stage by the narrator.
• Complication is the stage where there is konfilik experienced by the characters.
• Resolution is the final stage in which the characters solve conflicts or problems that diahapinya
Having three linguistic structure, yaitu Orientation, Event and reorientation.
• Orientation is a character recognition stage by the narrator.
• The event is a series of activities carried out by the figures presented in sequence.
• reorientation is a summary or the impression of figures regarding events, activities or events recounted.
Narrative Text presenting the conflict experienced by actors. Narrative Text tell the conflict then tells how to solve it.
Recount Text does not present a conflict like in the Narrative Text. Recount Text only presents a series of activities carried out by the figures in the time sequence.
Narrative Description Text time  in less detail. In Narrative Text does not specify when events described occurred. Narrative Text simply write "Once upon a time" and "Once a day", to describe the time.
Description on Recount Text time more clearly than in the Narrative Text. If the Narrative Text only use "Once upon a time", on Recount Text usually mention today as "on monday", "in the next day", "then", etc..

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